How to Build Your Professional Brand in Three Steps

And how Storia Consulting Can Help You Get There

Storia Consulting
4 min readSep 8, 2021

Your professional brand is your street cred in the world of work and the job search. But it can be hard to build your brand or figure out how to evolve the brand you have.

No matter where you are in your career, there are three key building blocks to establishing your professional brand in today’s job market.

Block 1: Resume

The Bird’s Eye:

Yes — it still matters — however, its role has changed. The resume is your introduction: your handshake into the hiring process.

The Lowdown:

Ah the resume: the long-used, often prematurely declared dead, compendium of our achievements, roles, and goals in (ideally) a single page.

Despite the forecasts of its demise, the resume still reigns strong in the kingdom of hiring — even if the first “eye” to see it is A.I. (artificial intelligence).

The resume, at its most powerful, tells your story effectively. It communicates your key accomplishments, speaks to why you are a good candidate for a particular job, and sets the tone for your interview.

How can you optimize your resume both from a technical lens for the initial computer review and with the human touch that’ll draw a hiring manager’s eye?

Building your first resume? Fear not, we’re here to help you navigate with 1:1 consultations, career and experience mapping, and writing services.

Evolving your resume for a job search? We provide writing, editing, formatting, and optimization services to ensure your resume is targeted to the right audience.

Looking for a facelift for your tried-and-true resume? Our design and formatting service is right for you.

Block 2: LinkedIn

The Bird’s Eye:

LinkedIn is big. Like, millions of connections, mentors, hiring managers, and peers big. Effectively building your LinkedIn is the digital Ace of Spades in your job search.

The Lowdown:

LinkedIn can make or break your job search. With more than 660 million users, the platform is a hub for job seekers, hiring managers, and professionals from all walks of life.

Looking for a mentor? LinkedIn. Hoping to make a great first impression on your interviewer and go into your interview with an extra edge? LinkedIn again. Want to get to know your colleagues and connect with leaders in your organization to advance your career? You guessed it — LinkedIn.

Where the resume is your introduction, the LinkedIn provides the substance of who you are. But, it can be difficult to get started or know where to go.

That’s where we come in.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, we will help you build it from the ground up with a clear strategy to achieve your goals and objectives.

If you have a LinkedIn profile, but are looking for that extra edge to take the next step in your career, find a new job, or evolve your brand from student to professional, we are committed to providing the review, edits, and consultation services to get your profile where you need it to be.

If you have a LinkedIn, but want to evolve your posting and content creation strategy, find new ways to connect with your network, or learn how to find jobs and show up in job searches, we provide 1:1 consultation services.

Block 3: Career Storytelling

The Bird’s Eye:

Your career is a story. Telling it doesn’t have to be hard.

The Lowdown:

Last week, we talked about how every career is a story. Are you ready to tell yours?

At its core, career storytelling explains the core of why you do what you do, the sum of your experiences, and the impact that you drive. (Stay tuned for a future blog just on the topic of career storytelling!)

What does that actually look like?

For college students seeking internships and jobs, we provide 1:1 sessions to help you transform your volunteer work, internships, jobs, club and leadership experiences, and studies into a coherent narrative that lands you a job in the field of your choosing.

For professionals seeking their next step, we provide job search support, interview preparation, LinkedIn and resume consultations, and 1:1 sessions to unify the sum of your work experiences into a compelling story with a clear next chapter.

The Three Blocks of Storia Consulting

There you have it! These three building blocks are not only the building blocks for a successful professional brand, but also for Storia Consulting. Let us help you solve your professional branding challenges.

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Stay tuned for our next post on what building a website and telling a career story have in common.

how to build your professional brand in three steps



Storia Consulting

Everyone has a story. At Storia Consulting, we live to help you tell it. ​Let’s talk personal branding, professional development, and career storytelling.